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The anatomic pillow Men Only is developed especially for men. The optimal height guarantees the comfortable head and neck support and their natural position during the sleep. The pillow is recommended for wide-shouldered men, heavily-built and of medium constitution. Men Only is based on “memory” foam. The innovative material gently adapts to the physiological characteristics of a sleeper and creates the personal feeling of “weightlessness”. It does not apply any reverse pressure and guarantees free blood flow. Due to the viscoelastic structure the foam does not pass on any vibrations caused by your partner’s moves. The exclusive design is for successful and active people: the black color will underline your individuality and self-confidence. The bright turquois piping is really impressive.
It is important to know:
the external cover is removable, equipped with a zipper, and washable;
the inner cover is 100% cotton.

Men Only advantages:

  • universal – comfortable sleep in any position;
  • boosted support of the cervical spine;
  • no need to get used to it – comfortable from the first sleep;
  • suitable for people with sensitive skin and those prone to allergy;
  • 3D-net on the perimeter supports the intense air flow;
  • thermal comfort any time of the year;
  • innovative technology prevent the appearance and the development of micro-organisms;
  • prolonged service life.

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Mugav, hoiab vormi, lahe disain

Helpful review? 31


Olen seda kasutanud üle kahe nädala. See on korralik ja mugav padi. Saab seda vormida, nagu soovite - mõne sekundiga taastab see oma kuju. Mugav magada selili ja külili; ainuke asi, mis on ebamugav - kui magad külili, käsi pea kõrgusel padja all, siis jääb see natuke kõrgeks. Kuid see asend on ebatüüpiline ja kui magad, nagu kõik korralikud inimesed, pole see absoluutselt probleem. Füüsis on keskmine (174/94) - padja kõrgus ja suurus on täitsa korralik. Ma ei keelduks, kui see oleks veidi tihedam, kuid olemasolevas versioonis on see üsna mugav. Tulemuseks - hea mugav padi keskmise kehaehitusega mehele, oma raha väärt.

Helpful review? 35


Купила мужу. Он много работает, спит мало. Хотелось как то улучшить состояние его отдыха. Это была первая покупка в Асконе. Учитывая, что у меня довольно придирчивый муж, он в восторге. Только положительные отзывы от него.

Helpful review? 35


Ma armastan seda patja! Sobib ka pikkadele tüdrukutele! Nüüd kannan seda võimaluste piires igal pool kaasas ja plaanin veel ühe osta, et saaks linnast väljas suvilas kasutada) Mõõdukalt elastne, parajalt pehme - olen pea alla surunud just niipalju, et kõrguselt mugav oleks. Minu pikkusele 177 cm väga mugav.

Helpful review? 30


Super padi, jäin esimesest kasutuspäevast peale nagu beebi magama))) Askona on väga lahe ja seda on aastaid testitud!

Helpful review? 33


Padi vallutas mind kohe esimesest päevast peale, magasin peale vana nagu beebi. Super mugav 178/90.

Helpful review? 36

4.9 Stars

Svetlana Bezgodko

An year ago

If you're really looking for high-quality and stylish furniture with an equal quality-price ratio, I confidently recommend Askona. I would also praise the service - very fast response through the information channel, and after a call back I was at the office two hours later and the girls introduced, showed, gave me a chance to try all available mattresses/pillows. I found everything I was looking for and my expectations were met much more than I expected :)

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Oļegs Filatovs

An year ago

Very good store! All for sleeping!)

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Mar tin

An year ago

Good place to buy beds, mattresses and everything to help you have a good sleep. There are more options to choose from than you could even go through. They also sell couches and similar type of furniture. The prices are on the expansive side but the price matches the quality. Most items are custom made to your preference which means a bit of a waiting time but the items are worth the wait. Staff is friendly and helps in any way possible.

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Olga Tšetšjotkina

An year ago

I fell in love with the bed at first sight. I have been using it for six months - my admiration does not end) I go to the apartment every day and admire it)) I also bought a mattress from Askona, I praise it. I am very satisfied with the company. Thank you!

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Aleksandra Pivovar

An year ago

Awesome company! Absolutely everything, from visiting the store to delivery, the highest level of customer focus. All products are worthy of praise, comfort, beauty and the highest quality! The mattress and pillow are soft as a cloud, perfectly support the spine in the right position, at night the whole body rests and fully recovers...

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Alex Leyn

3 years ago

Great choice. Great staff. You can buy a really comfortable and useful mattress inexpensively. I recommend the Sleep 8 pillow. Mega comfortable.

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  • Type

    Anatomical the filling material provides proper head and cervical spinal cord support

  • Height


  • Sleeping position

  • Cover material

    Polyester a special type of synthetic fabric made from polyester fibres.

  • Filling

    Memory foam a high technology material that fully conforms to the shape of the body.

  • Unique qualities

    the materials used in the manufacture are safe and do not cause any allergies

    Memory foam
    unique, viscoelastic foam implicitly follows the features of the human body

  • Brand

  • Dimensions

Pillows Men Only


Size: 38x60x15

Null €
RRP: Null € -Null%