
Double-sided anatomical Spine Care matress with micro-massage effect for those who prefer medium firmness. Suitable for people with sedentary life, office workers and those who have to sit for hours at work.

Spine Care composition:

  • 11 - zone block of independent springs Special Adaptive System adapts at the features of the body and supports the spine "pointwise" in an anatomically correct position, as well as helps to relax the muscles;
  • Medifoam elastic cellular foam maintains muscle tone and elasticity, absorbs odours and resists moisture;
  • natural coir fibre enhances the anatomical effect of the springs block, as well as evenly distributes the load on the mattress;
  • comfort system with anti-microbe impregnation improves blood circulation and the quality of sleep;
  • the box made of MediFoam enhances the anatomical effect of the mattress;

Advantages of Spine Care:
  • endures heavy load;
  • no weight limits;
  • tall mattress with reinforced perimeter which makes it easier to sit on and stand up from;
  • improved hygiene of the sleeping place;
  • hypoallergic.

Mediflex Spine Care - takes care of you while you are sleeping!


  • Type

    Spring with a spring block

  • Height


  • Sleeping place

    width from 60 to 120 cm

    Three-quarter beds
    width from 120 to 140 cm

    width from 140 to 200 cm

  • Hardness

  • The weight load

  • Features

    two-sided two sides have the same firmness level, but the mattress is reversible

  • Intended for

  • Filling

    Natural coconut
    Natural coconut fibre is a lignified fibre obtained from the mesocarp of coconut palm nuts

    Foam with micro-massage effect
    a porous, resilient, ultra-strong modern synthetic material in the form of cells.

  • Number of springs

    550 explicitly affects the body support; the more springs there are – the better is the pointwise support of the body

  • Collection

  • Spring block

    Pocket is a block of independent springs, each placed in a separate pouch, which sensitively responds to even the slightest movement. This ensures that the springs work autonomously and are compressed independently of the adjacent springs. Mattresses with the Pocket spring block ensure the orthopaedic effect and natural positioning of the spine.

  • Zonality

    11-zone independent spring block adapts to the body and supports the spine pointwise in an anatomically correct position, relieves muscle tension and accelerates the process of falling asleep

  • Mattress layers


  • Warranty, years


  • Brand

  • Dimensions

Materials and design

Coconut fibre

Eco-friendly material, adds firmness to the mattress, provides good air permeability and has an antibacterial effect

MediFoam ®

Elastic, foam with added Silver ions Ag+. Provides a high degree of comfort, easy to regenerate and has antiseptic action. The Ag+ silver ions are natural protectors against bacteria, eliminate unpleasant odors and excess moisture, prevent unwanted reproduction of bacteria inside your mattress.

Pocket 11 zone spring unit

Independent spring block adapts to the body and supports the spine pointwise in an anatomically correct position, relieves muscle tension and accelerates the process of falling asleep

Knitted fabric quilted on padding polyester and high-elasticity foam

Soft cotton knitted fabric, elastic foam and voluminous padding polyester increase the level of comfort and sleep quality

Product reviews


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Valisime piinavalt kaua, kuid valikuga ei eksinud. See madrats on mugav nii mulle (kehakaal 50 kg) kui ka abikaasale (kehakaal 110 kg). Ainult üks küsimus tootjale: miks pole madratsil ümberpööramiseks sangasid? Ilma nendeta on väga ebamugav madratsit ümber pöörata.

Helpful review? 4


Очень долго выбирали и остановились на медифлекс Spine Care, отличный матрас, спать одно удовольствие. После этого матрас уже не будешь спать на каком либо другом, кроме того у жены прошли боли в спине. Просыпаемся с утра выспавшимися. Со временем стал чуть мягче. Рекомендую всем

Helpful review? 6


Mul on sagedased seljavigastused ja tekkis küsimus madratsi väljavahetamise kohta. Infotelefon soovitas seda mudelit inimestele, kellel on seljavalu (mul on song vaagnapiirkonnas) Sõitsime ja ostsime selle mudeli. Esimesel nädalal oli kuidagi ebamugav magada, tekkis arusaamatu tunne ja seljavalu jäi alles, kuid nädala pärast hakkasin aru saama, et parem on ärgata ja nüüd, mitme kuu möödudes, võin kindlalt öelda, et see madrats on väga hea ja aitas mind isiklikult... Nüüd ärkan igal hommikul ilma valudeta ja tunnen, et kadunud on lihaspinged, mis mind igal hommikul häirisid. Ma ei kirjuta kunagi kommentaare, kuid võib-olla aitab see kedagi, kellel on sarnane probleem.

Helpful review? 6


Tere! Aitäh, et aitasite valida just selle madratsi, müügijuht andis head nõu sellega seoses, et jalad ja selg valutavad sageli, olen madratsiga rahul, sellel on väga hea magada. Ostsime selle novembris, uue toote kõrvallõhn hakkab tasapisi ära kaduma. Kindlasti soovitan oma sõpradele.

Helpful review? 5


Suurepärane madrats. Väga mugav ja meeldiv. Toetab väga hästi selga, kaela ja alaselga. Selg ei valuta enam, magada on oluliselt parem.

Helpful review? 5

Алина и Олег

Купили матрас в декабре, очень понравился: удобный, спина не болит, высыпаемся. Всем рекомендуем!

Helpful review? 6


Avastasin enda jaoks selle vapustava madratsi juba 2021. aastal. Nüüd ostsime teise korterisse täpselt samasuguse. Sobib ideaalselt minu valutavale seljale (on skolioos, song). On üsna jäik, aga just sellist madratsit on kogu selja toetamiseks vaja, eriti hea on see, et alaselg ei "vaju läbi". Tundub nagu kohaneks madrats selgroo asendiga - mugav on magada nii külili kui ka selili ja ka kõhuli. See toode on kindlasti seda raha väärt!

Helpful review? 8


Luksuslik madrats. Meeldivalt vetruv ja samal ajal pehme. Ja see on ilus. Askonaga on väga meeldiv asju ajada. Tegemist on tõsise ettevõttega, kes vastutab oma sõnade eest. Suudab lahendada kõik probleemid ja on vastutulelik. Suur aitäh Askonale. Suhtlemine oli lihtne ja meeldiv.

Helpful review? 7


Size: 80x200

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Good sleep and health:

The benefits of a good sleep for the body
