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Soft female bed. Carolina does not accept commonness. It will be attracted by live interior with plenty of small things and pretty knick-knacks. Carolina bed is considered child-friendly thanks to its completely rounded shape.

It will become a silent and truly careful nanny for your active child! As for yourself, Carolina will provide you with magic moments of sleep, as sweet as a cream rose on a dainty dessert!

Recommended mattress height:

  • no more than 25 cm on configuration with lifting mechanism;
  • no more than 27 cm on configuration with slat frame.
Removable covers on sidewalls.

Possible options of upholstery fabric: arpatec, eco leather, velour, sueded leather, satin.

Assembly manual

Product reviews


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Täna saime oma voodi ja madratsi kätte, suurepärane kvaliteet - väga rahul!

Helpful review? 0


Ostsime voodi ja kõik meeldib! Ilus, kaasaegne, praktiline.

Helpful review? 0


При выборе кровати сразу остановились именно на этой и не пожалели. Кровать супер, шикарная, обалденная. спать на такой кровати одно удовольствие, моей радости нет предела.

Helpful review? 8


Nõus, voodi on super, stiilne ja ideaalse suurusega! Ostsime selle kohe, kui ilmus, ei suuda siiani imetlemist lõpetada, võtsime kividega, soovitan kõigile, et säravad uhkelt :) ja tõstemehhanismiga mahub sinna terve garderoob.

Helpful review? 2

Riina Lõoke

Super voodi! Väga ilus ja mugav. Kangas samet hele sirel - lihtsalt muinasjutt ja veel kivikesed - ilus!!!

Helpful review? 6


Imeilus voodi, ületas kõik mu ootused. Suur (180 x 200); Tundsin end lihtsalt kui kuninganna.Töö on väga korralik,olen rahul. Ainult,lõhn ei kadunud umbes kuu aega. Muidu on kõik imeilus. Aitäh Askona.

Helpful review? 10


Imeline voodi, ma armastan seda! Näeb hea välja!

Helpful review? 5


Ta on imeilus Tõesti ülisuur voodi. Suur tänu ASKONA-le selle mudeli väljatöötamise eest. Väga ilus voodipeats, mugav tõstemehhanism, mida saab kasutada isegi laps. Mahukas kast voodipesu jaoks. Voodi on jalgadel, et puhastamisega probleeme ei tekiks.

Helpful review? 6


Suurepärane, stiilne voodi! Tõsi, kuigi see lõhnab natuke liimi ja naha järele. Madrats on väga mugav ja pehme. Valige, te ei kahetse!!!

Helpful review? 7


Kena "daami" voodi)) Ostsin selle oma emale. Väga kenasti sisustab tuba. Tehtud hästi ja tundub töökindel. Muidugi vaatame, kuidas see tulevikus käitub. .. ettevõte ei valmistanud pettumust.

Helpful review? 6


Vau, väga ilus voodi! Ta meeldib meile väga! Nii soliidne, kõik tema juures on hea! Eriti tõstemehhanism, nii palju kasulikku ruumi on kaasatud! Sõbrad tulevad ja imetlevad)))

Helpful review? 5


Suurepärane voodi! Polsterdamisega nad alt ei vedanud - tuues ja lahti pakkides osutus Carolina veelgi ilusamaks kui salongides pakutud variantides! Kvaliteet on hämmastav. Uni on nüüd hea, selg ei valuta. Oleme Askona tööga väga rahul. Soovitan!

Helpful review? 8


Suurepärane voodi, väga ilus, väiksemõõduline.

Helpful review? 6


Tellisin sky velvet kangast Carolina voodi. Voodi sai suurepärane. Vastas rohkemgi, kõigile ootustele, kui arvasin. Väga rahul moderniseeritud mudeliga. Loodan, et see teenib kaua ja korralikult. Aitäh.

Helpful review? 8

4.9 Stars

Svetlana Bezgodko

An year ago

If you're really looking for high-quality and stylish furniture with an equal quality-price ratio, I confidently recommend Askona. I would also praise the service - very fast response through the information channel, and after a call back I was at the office two hours later and the girls introduced, showed, gave me a chance to try all available mattresses/pillows. I found everything I was looking for and my expectations were met much more than I expected :)

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Oļegs Filatovs

An year ago

Very good store! All for sleeping!)

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Mar tin

An year ago

Good place to buy beds, mattresses and everything to help you have a good sleep. There are more options to choose from than you could even go through. They also sell couches and similar type of furniture. The prices are on the expansive side but the price matches the quality. Most items are custom made to your preference which means a bit of a waiting time but the items are worth the wait. Staff is friendly and helps in any way possible.

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Olga Tšetšjotkina

An year ago

I fell in love with the bed at first sight. I have been using it for six months - my admiration does not end) I go to the apartment every day and admire it)) I also bought a mattress from Askona, I praise it. I am very satisfied with the company. Thank you!

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Aleksandra Pivovar

An year ago

Awesome company! Absolutely everything, from visiting the store to delivery, the highest level of customer focus. All products are worthy of praise, comfort, beauty and the highest quality! The mattress and pillow are soft as a cloud, perfectly support the spine in the right position, at night the whole body rests and fully recovers...

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Alex Leyn

3 years ago

Great choice. Great staff. You can buy a really comfortable and useful mattress inexpensively. I recommend the Sleep 8 pillow. Mega comfortable.

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Bed S8 Carolina


Size: 150x200

Features: Orthopedic lattice

Null €
RRP: Null € -Null%