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*The product is only available in these sizes: 160*200!

One-sided S8 Bennet 2.0 extra-firm mattress.
Suitable for everyone who prefers a firm sleeping place.

S8 Bennet 2.0 features:

  • 720 FLEXZONE Support System spring block with 4D Spring HARD construction with reinforced springs - resiliently supports the body in the anatomically correct position;
  • independent springs adjust to every curve of the body, providing exquisite comfort and preventing tossing and turning around;
  • spring movements are not transmitted to adjoined ones, which is extremely important for partners with mismatched biorhythms and light sleep;
  • “breathable” Oxy Comfort system increases the elasticity and prolongs the durability of the mattress;
  • comfort system with a micro-massage effect;
  • reinforced perimeter prevents the edges from sagging and increases the sleeping area;
  • thermal comfort at any time of the year;


  • Firmness - extra-firm
  • Number of springs - 720
  • Filling - Anatomical foam
  • Thickness - 23 cm
  • Age - an excellent choice for young and active people
  • Working load limit for one sleeping accommodation - more than 140 kg
  • Spring block - 4D Spring design independent 12 cm high spring block
S8 Bennet 2.0 mattress: more firmness for better and more comfortable sleep!

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Väga mugav madrats. Mõõdukalt kõva ja vastupidav. Leevendab suurepäraselt väsimust ja lõdvestab selga. Ta on ka väga kena.)

Helpful review? 0


Tellisin selle madratsi Internetist. Teenindus on suurepärane. Kvaliteetne nõustamine, aidati  korraldada järelmaksu. Kiire tarne kahe päeva jooksul. Madrats on mõõdukalt kõva ja vetruv. Lõdvestuge sellel pärast tegusat tööpäeva. Aitäh!

Helpful review? 0


Madrats on väga mugav. Sellel magamine on üks suur nauding. See pole pehme, kuid keha lõdvestub ja tunnete end mugavalt. Me naudime täiega))))

Helpful review? 5


Матрас очень хорош, несмотря на жесткость, спать на нем очень комфортно. Первые две недели жутко болела спина, хотел уже поменять матрас на другую модель. Но потом прочитал, что первое время спина приходит в правильное положение из привычного неправильного оттого и боли. Оказалось на самом деле, спустя еще неделю всё прошло, сон исключительно комфортный Хорошее сочетание жесткости, упругости и удобства. Понимаю, что выбор сделан был не зря Рекомендую, достойный матрас.

Helpful review? 4


Ostsime madratsi Bennet, kahe kuu pärast kadusid valud nimmepiirkonnast ja seljast. Mul on sellele kaks selgitust, kas viiekümnendaks eluaastaks on mu keha noorenenud;), või teeb madrats oma tööd hästi. Kui keegi oleks varem öelnud, et see on võimalik, poleks uskunud. Ära kõhelge! Ostke kvaliteetne ja mugav madrats, see ei pea tingimata olema Askona oma, peamine, et madrats tagab teile sügava une ja hea enesetunde hommikuti.

Helpful review? 6


Madrats on lihtsalt super! Valisime just nimelt jäiga madratsi. See on jäik, kuid väga mugav. Pealmine läbiõmmeldud kiht muudab selle õhuliseks ja väga mugavaks, vaatamata selle väidetavale erilisele jäikusele.

Helpful review? 4


See madrats on parim, mis minuga juhtuda võis! Ma lihtsalt ei oodanud sellist mugavust. Suur tänu konsultandile abi eest madratsi valimisel!

Helpful review? 3


Здравствуйте!Хочу сказать Спасибо магазину и консультанту за помощь в выборе.Всё подсказали,показали,бедная консультант Спасибо ей за терпение....Мы больше часа выбирали и остановились на этом матрасе.Не дешёвая покупка но думаю она того стоит.В магазине предупредили что могут задержать доставку,но были приятно удивлены,раньше срока доставка,.Матрас удобный,комфортный,то что надо.Заказывайте...

Helpful review? 4


Valisin mööblisalongis endale madratsit, sõbranna soovitas osta madratsi BENNETT, aga see tundus mulle liiga jäik. Lamasin sellel vist 20 minutit. Hea, et juhataja ütles, et madratsi võib proovimiseks koju kaasa võtta ja kui magada pole mugav, saab selle pehmema vastu välja vahetada. Kui aus olla, siis oli väga suur hirm, et lõpuks tuleb see tagasi viia. Aga üllataval kombel mitte. Uni on uskumatult mugav. Olen täielikus vaimustuses!!!

Helpful review? 6


Ülekaalulistele inimestele on see tõeline leid! Mu mees on üsna suur, nii et ta vajub kõigisse madratsitesse. Otsisime spetsiaalselt väga jäika, et saaksime mõlemad mugavalt magada. Ja hurraa, lõpuks leidsime selle! Madrats on väga kvaliteetne, emotsioonid pärast sellel magamist on ainult positiivsed. Suur tänu Askonale tervisliku une eest!

Helpful review? 8

4.9 Stars

Svetlana Bezgodko

An year ago

If you're really looking for high-quality and stylish furniture with an equal quality-price ratio, I confidently recommend Askona. I would also praise the service - very fast response through the information channel, and after a call back I was at the office two hours later and the girls introduced, showed, gave me a chance to try all available mattresses/pillows. I found everything I was looking for and my expectations were met much more than I expected :)

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Oļegs Filatovs

An year ago

Very good store! All for sleeping!)

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Mar tin

An year ago

Good place to buy beds, mattresses and everything to help you have a good sleep. There are more options to choose from than you could even go through. They also sell couches and similar type of furniture. The prices are on the expansive side but the price matches the quality. Most items are custom made to your preference which means a bit of a waiting time but the items are worth the wait. Staff is friendly and helps in any way possible.

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Olga Tšetšjotkina

An year ago

I fell in love with the bed at first sight. I have been using it for six months - my admiration does not end) I go to the apartment every day and admire it)) I also bought a mattress from Askona, I praise it. I am very satisfied with the company. Thank you!

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Aleksandra Pivovar

An year ago

Awesome company! Absolutely everything, from visiting the store to delivery, the highest level of customer focus. All products are worthy of praise, comfort, beauty and the highest quality! The mattress and pillow are soft as a cloud, perfectly support the spine in the right position, at night the whole body rests and fully recovers...

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Alex Leyn

3 years ago

Great choice. Great staff. You can buy a really comfortable and useful mattress inexpensively. I recommend the Sleep 8 pillow. Mega comfortable.

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  • Type

    Spring with a spring block

  • Height


  • Sleeping place

    width from 60 to 120 cm

    Three-quarter beds
    width from 120 to 140 cm

    width from 140 to 200 cm

  • Round


  • Hardness

  • The weight load

  • Features

    one-sided the mattress is not reversible, with the function of shape restoration, retains its properties throughout the entire period of use

  • Intended for

  • Filling

    Natural latex
    a natural elastic material with an open structure and high wear-resistance properties.

    Putas Orto Foam
    High-elasticity anatomical Orto Foam is a porous, resilient, ultrastrong modern synthetic material.

  • Collection

  • Mattresses for Ergomotion


  • Warranty, years


  • Brand

  • Dimensions

Mattress Sleep.8 BENNETT 2.0 (EXPO)


Size: 160x200

Null €
RRP: Null € -Null%