
The mattress pad is perfect for those who want to make a bed softer. The combination of elastic latex and high resilient foam allows you to attach to a bed as the desired level of softness and a pleasant elasticity.

  • zip pouch (removable): brand knitwear, quilted on hypoallergenic fiber
  • natural latex
  • foam Foam'orto
  • elastic bands in the corners for fixing to bed
  • Fastening: elastic at corners.


  • Type

  • Height


  • Sleeping place

    width from 60 to 120 cm

    Three-quarter beds
    width from 120 to 140 cm

    width from 140 to 200 cm

  • Round


  • Hardness

  • The weight load

  • Features

    the mattress is not reversible, with the function of shape restoration, retains its properties throughout the entire period of use

    mattress toppers

  • Intended for

  • Filling

    Natural latex
    a natural elastic material with an open structure and high wear-resistance properties.

    Putas Orto Foam
    High-elasticity anatomical Orto Foam is a porous, resilient, ultrastrong modern synthetic material.

  • Papildus

    Mattress toppers firmness adjustment, sleeping place comfort, increases the service life of the mattress

  • Spring block

    No spring block without springs, the base of the mattress can be a material made of different padding layers and polyurethane.

  • Mattress layers


  • Brand

  • Dimensions

Materials and design

Natural latex

A porous, resilient, durable material. Produced from the foamed sap of the Hevea rubber tree. It is thermally stable and antiseptic.

OrtoFoam ®

Highly flexible, hypoallergenic, artificial material with double cell structure. It adapts most accurately to the anatomy of the body, providing perfect support for the spine and guarantees a balanced microclimate of sleep.

Knitted fabric, quilted on padding polyester

High-quality knitted fabric enhances air exchange within the mattress layers and prevents the development of microorganisms

Product reviews


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Vanale diivanile sai ostetud kattemadrats mõõtudega 120x200 cm. Vastab täielikult kirjeldusele. Mõõdukalt pehme, eemaldas kõik diivani ebatasasused. Sellel on mugav lamada. Väga rahul ostuga. Aitäh Askonale kvaliteetsete toodete eest!

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Jäin ostuga rahule.Vaatan kuidas kasutamise käigus välja näeb. Kattemadrats on üsna pehme, täpselt see, mida vajan.

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Hinna ja kvaliteedi kategooria on parim. Hullult hea, tahad sellel mitu päeva lamada ja mitte püsti tõusta. Ma armastan seda kattemadratsit

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Ostuga oleme rahul. Vastab omadustele. Mõõdukalt pehme. Selg puhkab.

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Otsustasin teha oma mehele kingituse, kinkida kattemadratsi, kuna tal on alaseljaga probleeme. Eile tõi kuller tellimuse korterisse, kõik vastab kirjeldusele, haisu pole, kõik on korralikult õmmeldud, suurus sobib ideaalselt meie Ikea diivanile (140*200). Täna ärkasime tõeliselt puhanuna))) Nii mu abikaasa kui mina jäime väga rahule! Mõõdukalt pehme, väga mugav, erinevus on märgatav) Ma arvan, et miks ma seda varem ei ostnud ?! Aitäh!

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Mattress cover TOP 1

Size: 140x200

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Good sleep and health:

The benefits of a good sleep for the body
