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Simple mattress protective case is an essential option for those who seek to preserve the hygiene of the sleeping place. The case protects the sleeping place from the spread of microorganisms, mold, viruses and bacteria. It provides a perfect 360◦ cover of the mattress, has hermetically sealed stitchings and totally protects the sleeping place from all the 5 sides of the mattress. Thanks to its unique membrane, this product protects the mattress from any drippings and is highly resistant to air, thus ensuring healthy sleep.

Among drippings that the mattress case protects from, are the following: accidental leakage or dirtying, as well as unnecessary moisture emitted by the sleeper during the night. Should there be no protective case, the moisture emitted by the sleeper during the night would be absorbed by the mattress through the bed linen. However, the mattress cannot be washed. In this case, the protective mattress case is the best solution in order to maintain the hygiene of the sleeping place.

The upper part of the mattress case consists of hypoallergic knitted fabric.

The second layer is the membrane layer with small pores allowing entrance of the air and at the same time resisting moisture. It is comfortable to sleep on the mattress with the protective case during any season of the year.

Advantages of the mattress case:

  • 100% hygiene of the sleeping place
  • breathing
  • noiseless
  • barrier against bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms
  • protection against moisture
  • barrier against dust acari
  • barrier against allergens
  • special hermetically sealed stitchings
  • 100% covering of all 5 sides of the mattress due to the case structure in combination with the high mattress edge and elastic rubber along the perimeter
  • suitable for all mattress types
  • edge height up to 40 cm
  • suitable for washing and tumble drying at hot temperatures for the best disinfection
  • Fabric: Smooth jersey (100% PE)
  • Waterproof protective layer (100% polyurethane)
  • Burlet: 100% PE mesh
  • Elastic sewn around the perimeter

Size range: 90x200, 140x200, 160x200, 180x200 cm.

Cover Simple: modern technologies to protect your mattress!

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Madratsikate ostsin spetsiaalselt Askona madratsile, varem garantii pikendamiseks madratsit ostes ostsin lihtsustatud madratsikate mudeli. Kõik katab ideaalselt ja kaitseb madratsit kõikvõimalike nüansside eest.

Helpful review? 2


Hea kaitsekate, ostsin koos madratsiga. Pidas vastu seitse aastat, nüüd hakkas membraan pudenema, hakkame uue ostma. Oma ülesanded kaitsekate täitis 100% madrats nagu uus peale 7 kasutamisaastat. Pesin kaitsekatet kolm korda ilma tsentrifuugimiseta

Helpful review? 1


Sõbranna nõuandel ostsin madratsi juurde ka madratsikatet ja see tuli kohe esimesel õhtul kasuks. Ma ei märganud oma kohmakust, kuid siis läks midagi valesti ja kogu õhtusöök küünaldega lõppes voodis. Madratsikate sai kõvasti kannatada, kuid mis kõige tähtsam, madrats jäi terveks ja vigastamata ja see on väga kallis. Otsustasin igaks juhuks osta veel 2.

Helpful review? 0


Kasutame katet aasta aega, kõik on korras. Kuid kõige olulisem asi, mis mind arvustust kirjutama ajendas, on viimane juhtum koeraga. Minu lemmikkoer varastas öökapilt pudeli näoõli ja rebis keset voodit lamades korgi lahti. Loomulikult voolas kogu õli maha. Väriseva käega töölt saabudes hakkasin esmalt lina eemaldama, seejärel katet maha kiskuma. Madrats on kallis. Aga madrats säilis nagu uus.Kate kaitses..Olen väga rahul.

Helpful review? 5

Ксения В

Чехол очень классный! Такой воздушный, лёгкий, но при всём этом водонепроницаемый!))) очень рада покупке) спасибо!

Helpful review? 3


Natuke kahiseb, alguses harjumatu, aga sellega harjub üsna ruttu. Mul on hea meel, et lina enam alt ära ei libise, sest ma visklen ja keerutan. Märjaks ei lähe kindlasti. Ja kellel on ebastandardne madrats, siis võtke lihtsalt lähima suurusega kate, see venib ideaalselt (lihtsalt kuskil servades on võrk, mitte fliisne kate).

Helpful review? 4


Kahiseb. Aga mul polnud valikut, sest öeldakse, et veluurkatte peal on palav magada. Ma pidin selle võtma.

Helpful review? 4


Kate on täpselt madratsi suurune, istub ideaalselt, kahiseb veidi, aga öösel magades ei sega. Loodan, et lubatud garantii alt ei vea.

Helpful review? 3


Suurepärane kattemadrats, kahiseb, kui kasutada ilma linata ja kui linad on peal, siis on väga väike kahin, isegi kui on siis märkamatu. Lina ei libise ära. Võib-olla sellepärast, et sellel on kummipael, aga madratsi alla panen selle osa, mis pole elastne. Kate on kasutuses mu tütre voodil ja  magan seal ka tihti, nii et võin kindlalt öelda, et te ei higista selle peal. Mitte kunagi.Aeg-ajalt saab kattemadrats joogisegu- või kakaopudelist märjaks ja seda tuleb pesta. Pesemise osas: pesen seda alati muust pesust eraldi, masinat üle ei koorma, nii et märjad linad pole meie probleem, aga nagu ka see, et peale pesu pakkimata olekus vesi alla voolab. Jah, see tilgub, kuid mitte kriitiliselt. Lihtsalt niipea, kui see ühelt poolt kuivab, keeran sellel teise poole.

Helpful review? 6


Сравнивать не с чем, но основываясь на отзывах других людей отмечу, что шуршания нет (возможно зависит от матраса и простыни), простыни не сползают ни те, что на резинке, ни обычные. Наматрасник четко ложится по размеру матраса (наматрасник 200*180 на матрас 200*180 толщиной 25 см), по самому матрасу тоже не сдвигается. Бывает жарко, но не знаю дело в наматраснике или нет. На промокаемость проверять не доводилось. Но судя по тому как он плохо отжимается, воду на матрас тоже не пропустит. Сохнет долго, но это ожидаемо. Действительно защищает матрас от загрязнений судя по тому как часто приходится стирать наматрасник, несмотря на максимальное соблюдение чистоты.

Helpful review? 7

4.9 Stars

Svetlana Bezgodko

An year ago

If you're really looking for high-quality and stylish furniture with an equal quality-price ratio, I confidently recommend Askona. I would also praise the service - very fast response through the information channel, and after a call back I was at the office two hours later and the girls introduced, showed, gave me a chance to try all available mattresses/pillows. I found everything I was looking for and my expectations were met much more than I expected :)

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Oļegs Filatovs

An year ago

Very good store! All for sleeping!)

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Mar tin

An year ago

Good place to buy beds, mattresses and everything to help you have a good sleep. There are more options to choose from than you could even go through. They also sell couches and similar type of furniture. The prices are on the expansive side but the price matches the quality. Most items are custom made to your preference which means a bit of a waiting time but the items are worth the wait. Staff is friendly and helps in any way possible.

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Olga Tšetšjotkina

An year ago

I fell in love with the bed at first sight. I have been using it for six months - my admiration does not end) I go to the apartment every day and admire it)) I also bought a mattress from Askona, I praise it. I am very satisfied with the company. Thank you!

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Aleksandra Pivovar

An year ago

Awesome company! Absolutely everything, from visiting the store to delivery, the highest level of customer focus. All products are worthy of praise, comfort, beauty and the highest quality! The mattress and pillow are soft as a cloud, perfectly support the spine in the right position, at night the whole body rests and fully recovers...

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Alex Leyn

3 years ago

Great choice. Great staff. You can buy a really comfortable and useful mattress inexpensively. I recommend the Sleep 8 pillow. Mega comfortable.

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protective mattress cover S8 Simple


Size: 90x200

Null €
RRP: Null € -Null%