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Askona Original Pro is a collection of innovative mattresses at affordable prices created for ambitious people for whom the newest technologies have long become an integral part of life.
Original Pro 3. 0 mattress is a comfortable and reliable model, suitable for absolutely everyone who truly appreciates convenience and affordable technologies for the maximum comfort level during sleep.
Askona Original Pro mattresses are equipped with “Hour Glass” spring blocks.
Unique patented “Hour Glass Carbon 180 7-zone” spring formula allows the mattress to withstand a 10 times bigger load compared to other mattresses of the same class. Innovative spring block consists of special close-fitting fabric bags that hold the springs with a non-standard shape - an hourglass shape - which allows the mattress to provide several layers of elasticity and protects it from spring deformation. Individual firmness levels have been developed for different body areas by using carbon-coated wire with 1,8 mm and 1,9 mm diameter.
This technology relieves pressure from the spine, tension from the muscles and joints, creates unique conditions for comfortable sleep and relaxation.
Improved Orto Foam Air foam with an enlarged mesh size ensures air circulation within the mattress, as well as perfectly conforms to the anatomy of your body while providing ultimate support of the spine.
A natural layer of coconut fibre, impregnated with a natural latex compound, creates a firm surface, ideal for maintaining proper back health.
The double-sided construction of the mattress is made from two comfort layers with different firmness levels: foam + cotton and coconut + cotton.
These technologies allow you to personally choose the desired firmness - from medium level to firm.
The knitted fabric upper comfort layer with viscose threads, quilted on a high-elasticity foam, will impress the admirers of the mattresses with a soft surface but a firm base.

Original Pro 3.0 mattress composition:

  • knitted Belgian fabric with viscose, quilted on the polyester padding and high-elasticity foam, is gentle to the touch and delicate surface layer that excludes the possibility of microorganism development;
  • Orto Foam Air - moisture resistant and non-toxic foam;
  • cotton felt protects the spring block from abrasion and retains the original shape of the mattress;
  • 7-zone Hour Glass Carbon spring block (the spring height - 180 mm, number of the springs per sleeping accommodation - 550);
  • cotton fibre provides firmness, has good air exchange and possesses anti-bacterial properties;
  • perimeter reinforcement with eco-friendly recycled high-density polyurethane Rebond foam;
  • lateral part of the mattress is made of breathable 3D mesh;
Extended 5-year warranty (when purchased with the protection cover)!

The advantages of the Original Pro 3.0 mattress:

  • withstands intense and prolonged loads;
  • comfortable support of the body (550 springs per one sleeping accommodation)
  • moisture resistant, non-toxic material;
  • two sides with different levels of firmness (upper side - medium firmness level, underside - firm)
  • 26 cm thick
  • increased service lifespan
Askona mattresses - the basis for the things important to you!

Product reviews


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Lamad nagu pilve peal. Madrats on pehme, mugav.

Helpful review? 0


Suurepärane madrats, magame sellel pool aastat. Kaebusi ei ole.

Helpful review? 0


Saabunud madrats osutus kõvemaks kui poes oli. Aga oli väga meeldiv, mugav, ei vaju külgedel alla, kui sellele istuda. Praegu on kasutamiseaeg väike aga seni kaebusi ei ole. Eriti soovin tänan kohaletoimetamist - kõik õigel ajal, helistati ette.

Helpful review? 0


Ostsime naisega keskmise kõvadusega, mina võtaksin muidugi kõva madratsi. Aga me oleme õnnelikud, magada on väga mugav. Mulle endale ei meeldi, kui vajud madratsisse nagu vati sisse. Seetõttu on see ideaalne valik!)

Helpful review? 0


Väga rahul! Madrats osutus paremaks kui pildi peal. Igati oma hinda väärt. Eriline tänu kohaletoimetamisele, viisakuse ja minutilise täpsusega toimetamise eest. Aitäh personalile professionaalsuse, pingetaluvuse ja hea teeninduse eest.

Helpful review? 0


Oleme kaua madratsit valinud, kirjutasime arvutusi, lõpuks valime antud mudeli. Ostsime, kohaletoimetamine on kiire.

Helpful review? 0


Kaks poolt jäikuse taset, imeline disain ja värv, väga ilus. Kõrgus on suur, just see, mida vajan! Vana madratsi tõttu valutas mu selg ja puusaliiges pärast operatsiooni väga palju, mistõttu vajasin kvaliteetset madratsit, mis aitaks hästi magada. Madrats osutus imeliseks, ma laman sellel ja ei saa sellest küllalt ja naudin seda! Proovin erineva kõvadusega külgi ja valin mugavuse huvides optimaalse. Suurus 160x200. Tänu Askona meeskonnale, olete parimad

Helpful review? 0


Kahepoolne madrats ja sellise hinna eest on parem pakkumine. Otsisime madratsit pikka aega ja valisime selle. Kindlasti soovitan!

Helpful review? 0


Peale 3 kuud pidevat magamist sellel madratsil oskan juba ostu objektiivselt hinnata. Kookoskihiga külg on jäigem, mugav, kui sulle meeldib selili magada. Kellele meeldib magada kõhuli või külili, sobib paremini vaht, see on pehmem

Helpful review? 0


Mu mees usaldas madratsi valiku täielikult minule. Ta ütles, et võin valida ükskõik millise, mis mulle meeldib. Nägin seda madratsit poes ühes sektsioonis, heitsin sellele pikali ja esitasin tellimuse koos kohaletoomisega. Oleme mõlemad kogemusega rahul. Meile ei meeldi, kui madrats on pehme, kuid see peaks olema mõõdukalt kõva, et magada ilma ebamugavusteta. Seega nagu kuldne keskmine!

Helpful review? 1


Ostsime sellise uue voodi jaoks. Voodi pole veel saabunud ja seepärast panime madratsi otse põrandale. Ja isegi sellisena tundus see vanast palju mugavam. Jäikuse poolest tundus see mulle pigem olevat mõõdukalt jäik, kuid nii võis tunduda minu kehakaalu pärast, ma kaalun 130 kg. Madratsi välimus rõõmustab samuti silma, kuigi minu jaoks pole see tähtis. Ostust saadud aistingud ja muljed on kõige meeldivamad ja positiivsemad. Soovitan. Muuseas, see madrats on ka minu naisele hingelähedane, kuigi ta ei poolda internetist ostmist))

Helpful review? 7


Olen ostuga rahul. Jäik madrats sobib hästi minu seljale, sellel on mugav magada, miski ei vaju läbi ega suru pärast.

Helpful review? 2


Kui minu mees heidab magama, keerab ennast või tõuseb voodist, siis ma isegi ei tunne seda. Minupoolses madratsiosas pole seda üldse tunda

Helpful review? 5


Väga jäik, läbipaindumatu madrats, sellel lamades tekib tunne, et lihtsalt viibid põrandal, kuid mina isiklikult vajan just sellist varianti. Pehmematel madratsitel ma justkui vajuksin kusagile, ei suuda kuidagi leida mugavat magamisasendit, ja hommikul võib mul valutada selg.

Helpful review? 6


Vanemad kinkisid mulle madratsi minu uue voodi jaoks. Lihtsalt ime. Mugav. Selg ei valuta isegi pärast arvuti taga istumist terve päeva jooksul. Magada on mugav. Madrats on ilus, tepitud teki tüüpi. Mõõdukalt pehme ja mõõdukalt jäik, just selline nagu mulle meeldib.

Helpful review? 5


Ostsime kvaliteetse madratsi, mis on "liivakellakujuliste vedrudega". Väga mugav. Isegi kui keegi keerab ennast, siis teine ei tunne kõikumist. Magame juba neli kuud, rõõm on piiritu.

Helpful review? 6


Ostsin selle madratsi eelmisel aastal. Peale tavalist madratsit on palju mugavam magada. Tundus, et see kohanes mu kehaga ja ei tundunud üldse ebamugavust. Valik Asconas on suur.

Helpful review? 7

4.9 Stars

Svetlana Bezgodko

An year ago

If you're really looking for high-quality and stylish furniture with an equal quality-price ratio, I confidently recommend Askona. I would also praise the service - very fast response through the information channel, and after a call back I was at the office two hours later and the girls introduced, showed, gave me a chance to try all available mattresses/pillows. I found everything I was looking for and my expectations were met much more than I expected :)

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Oļegs Filatovs

An year ago

Very good store! All for sleeping!)

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Mar tin

An year ago

Good place to buy beds, mattresses and everything to help you have a good sleep. There are more options to choose from than you could even go through. They also sell couches and similar type of furniture. The prices are on the expansive side but the price matches the quality. Most items are custom made to your preference which means a bit of a waiting time but the items are worth the wait. Staff is friendly and helps in any way possible.

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Olga Tšetšjotkina

An year ago

I fell in love with the bed at first sight. I have been using it for six months - my admiration does not end) I go to the apartment every day and admire it)) I also bought a mattress from Askona, I praise it. I am very satisfied with the company. Thank you!

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Aleksandra Pivovar

An year ago

Awesome company! Absolutely everything, from visiting the store to delivery, the highest level of customer focus. All products are worthy of praise, comfort, beauty and the highest quality! The mattress and pillow are soft as a cloud, perfectly support the spine in the right position, at night the whole body rests and fully recovers...

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Alex Leyn

3 years ago

Great choice. Great staff. You can buy a really comfortable and useful mattress inexpensively. I recommend the Sleep 8 pillow. Mega comfortable.

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  • Type

    Spring with a spring block

  • Height


  • Sleeping place

    width from 60 to 120 cm

    Three-quarter beds
    width from 120 to 140 cm

    width from 140 to 200 cm

  • Round


  • Hardness

  • The weight load

  • Features

    versatile two sides with different firmness levels

  • Intended for

  • Filling

    Natural coconut
    Natural coconut fibre is a lignified fibre obtained from the mesocarp of coconut palm nuts

    Putas Orto Foam
    High-elasticity anatomical Orto Foam is a porous, resilient, ultrastrong modern synthetic material.

    Natural cotton fibre
    excellently absorbs moisture and has good air exchange allowing the skin to breathe

  • Collection

  • Spring block

    Hour Glass an innovative, patented spring type, made of durable carbon-coated metal in the shape of an hourglass and packed in a fitted pouch. It does not creak or deform in any way, is flexible and resilient and lasts 3 times longer without any weight restrictions.

  • Zonality

    7-zone maximally corresponds to the anatomical features of the human body. It distinguishes areas under the head, shoulders, lower back, hips, knees, calves and feet. Each zone in these mattresses provides optimum support for a specific body part. Recommended for people with excessive weight.

  • Mattress layers


  • Warranty, years


  • Brand

  • Dimensions

Materials and design

Cotton felt

White cotton felt is an insulating layer that protects the comfort layers from abrasion by the spring unit. Contributes to the proper distribution of the load. Allows to noticeably prolong the service life of the mattress.

Coconut fibre

Eco-friendly material, adds firmness to the mattress, provides good air permeability and has an antibacterial effect

Knitted fabric quilted on padding polyester and high-elasticity foam

Soft cotton knitted fabric, elastic foam and voluminous padding polyester increase the level of comfort and sleep quality

Hour Glass 7-zone spring unit

With a unique "hourglass" spring, the unit is divided into 7 anatomical zones, which adapt to the structure of the body, thus providing individual support for each zone, and helping to relieve muscle and spinal tension

Orto Foam Air

The balanced formula of elastic Orto Foam Air increases air exchange between the layers of the mattress, allowing you to easily adopt a comfortable sleeping position

Mattress Exp Original Pro 3.0


Size: 140x200

Null €
RRP: Null € -Null%